Hunger Games Roleplay Wiki
Forums: Index > Character Approval > Brittney Zemn

My name is Brittney. My parents are Bella and Riley Zemn. i live in Panam.No one knows which district i live in. Twelve, Eleven, or Two. Im always in my house shooting bow and arrows on the walls until reaping day. im sixteen with my name in there at least 30 times. An old lady at the age of 35 talks in the microphone and says a boy named Zach Mayneth was going to fight.time for the girls."Brittney Zamn" says the old lady. I walk up the steps and was taken to an arena to fight to the death.For no reason.

Needs to be longer, and more organized. Upside-down 00:47, April 16, 2012 (UTC)

Expand on everything and organize. A Peculiar Child -Talk n Blog- 00:49, April 18, 2012 (UTC)
